Description :
Sangwoo, a college student, decided to join an awakening program on a seemingly ordinary day. This government-initiated system, in place for several years, allows average individuals to acquire special skills. With most of the population already awakened, Sangwoo joins the program and discovers he has the ability to clone himself. While those around him dismiss his clone as a mere illusion, Sangwoo realizes it is real and decides to become a hunter.
Life goes well for Sangwoo as he utilizes his unique skill, until Jumper George Lucas appears before him. Lucas, recognizing the potential of Sangwoo’s cloning ability, becomes intensely interested in him. Sensing that Lucas’s fascination is part of a larger scheme, Sangwoo grows increasingly uneasy. Eventually, as he continues his life as a hunter, he uncovers Lucas’s true intentions and the dark secret behind his plan…
Alternatives :
분신으로 자동사냥 ; Bunsin-eulo Jadongsanyang ; Авто-охота с клонами